Spring 2016 has sprung !

We have had a long slog of wet, grey and windy weather over the last six months… no wonder we get weary.

So yippee! Now we can really absorb more warmth and light, helping us to feel energised and lifting our spirits… New shoots of ideas and creativity, encouraging us to look at our lives with a fresh mindset and optimism.

My new Nurturing Journal, is at the printers now.. The project is a wee bud at the moment but ready to burst with an abundance of love, quirky drawings and inspiring words….Watch this space.

I plan  to do workshops, sharing ideas on how we can nurture ourselves properly with warmth, honesty, humour and reality…being true to ourselves, with a gentle strength, helping us to navigate our way through this bonkers world, to live a happy and vibrant life.

I hope that you are enjoying planting seeds of new ideas and celebrating everything you have in your life right now.
