Autumn 2014

Autumn has arrived! After our long warm summer, it’s feeling a bit nippy and dark…

Nature is carrying us into our next chapter. The leaves are falling and over the next few months will rot down and produce compost to nurture new growth, in the spring.

In the same way, we can store in our hearts all the good things we have created, learned and loved so far this year so that they will enrich our lives, like compost!

We can nurture ourselves with homemade soups, full of garlic to keep the bugs at bay.

This Lemon and Ginger Drink can help, if you feel a cold starting or ease it. Tastes great too!

2 Lemons ~ chopped, 2″ Root Ginger ~ Sliced, 20 Whole black Peppercorns, 2tsp Honey, 2 litres Water.

Put all into pan. Bring to boil and simmer for 20 mins.. Strain the juice, save the peppercorns. Dilute to taste with hot or cold water. Chew 1or 2 peppercorns, to clear congestion. For a common cold, see your doctor if symptoms continue.